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CopperDog 150: Trail Crossing #166

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KYP invites you to participate as a volunteer at road crossing #166 for the 2020 CopperDog 150 on Friday, February 28th at 9:20 p.m. Volunteers will help ensure that dogsled teams and mushers are able to safely cross Lake-Linden-Gay road as the 2020 CopperDog 25 completes their trek from Calumet to Gay. Expect to be done around 11:15 p.m.

Location is on Lake Linden-Gay Rd at an ORV trail crossing
Latitude, Longitude: 47°13'24.92", -88°11'58.73"

Please register for a volunteer spot to ensure we bring enough materials for everyone to help out.

Our role is to be Crossing Safety Guards which help keep mushers and dog teams safe by monitoring road traffic at the road crossing, alert mushers to GO or STOP, and keep dog teams on the trail and off the road.

As with past years, please do not bring your furry friends as they may distract the participating dogs. 

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